At that moment, all the files returned and I have been going through them. This point in time, my 20's, were rough for me and we live in a rough town and so I have walked away from a lot of moments in my life. Getting these memories back has reminded me that it may have been rough but we had fun and knew how to PARTY!!
The Red Lion was so cool. The walls were all wood, the tables were barrels, there were ropes, dark booths, a low ceiling, a very small dance floor, live cover bands and a lot of spandex!!! Not just on the girls. And spandex on a dude is always a sight to behold; especially since most of them were men enough to never wear underwear!! Yes! The volleyball games were THE best. One guy used to wear his black spandex with a t-shirt that read " if it swells, ride it" and he was George Michael, WHAM, sexy!!! Then there was my buddy that always wore his turquoise spandex! And he would wear them out dancing at the Red Lion!!
This is reason one I always tried to sit so I could see people leaving the dance floor after a slow dance. Their excitement was always noticeable! One drunken night, the line to the bathroom was too long, so turquoise spandex and I went outside to smoke a cig and pee in the bushes. As we approach the bushes he turns to me, as he is doing what he is saying," The best part about wearing spandex is that I never have to pull my shorts down; I just lift the leg and slide it out the bottom like this and I pee." I'm in heaven. I need a drink!!
Tawnya's mom was a bartender there and she would ALWAYS hook me up with a double and in a tall glass too. I would just slink to the side and she would slide one my way and I would tip her big! It was always a stressful approach to the bar, having to wade between tables of dudes that wanted to kick my ass because of how nasty I would dance with their girlfriends. But the reward was always worth it.
Double vodka cranberry or double kamakazie baby! Those were my drinks. Well, screwdrivers and fuzzy navels too. And gin and tonics; they looked best under black lights. I kind of had to be loaded to calm my nerves and I sweat so fucking much on the dance floor I just never could keep my buzz.
I just loved sitting at those tables and laugh and check out who was with who and smoke cigarettes and dance dance dance. So many great nights in there playing with the people I grew up with, some of us friends, others people you'd know by face and those you wish you never would have met. All of us there for the same reason: to have a fucking blast and party it out!
Then there was the Shilo Inn, in Seaside. That was always a good time because there were always more cute tourists there. And the dance floor was about 10 inches bigger, had higher ceilings and a brass railing along the dance floor that was perfect for practicing our body ripples and sexy poses. And... You could see the ocean while you danced to the DJ, who always played the hits ( which is generally better than most cover bands).
The line to get into the Shilo was always a rediculous power game for the bouncers and they would always make me wait a bit because I was known as the nasty dancer. I can't help that I liked to dance with their girlfriends, they had all the right moves and were willing to grind with me. But those moments were rare. There was a posse of us that would take to the dance floor and we would dance in a group being inspired and driven by the music and all of the moves being expressed around us and through us. It was always like we were having more than the experience that we were in.
Dance has always done that to me. Most times I am out of my fucking mind and in a different world, and not from the doubles, but from the moment. Dance brings something out that I keep trapped within me, my joy, my essence. Wherever I may be I keep a dance in my stride. I have always searched out the dance party. As I've said to many before," they are usually done at home and by myself or with a few friends."
Over the years, I've danced more and switched to singles and quit smoking. I've lost some hair, gained a few pounds, learned some amazing dance moves and always have the beat within every breath I take and step I make.
I think my mind has settled enough, I bid you good night! Love to you all and remember it's always best to DANCE IT OUT!