Tuesday, August 19, 2014

On the couch post DRAGALUTION

Getting to August 8 was one of the most difficult journeys of my life. I was physically unable to walk weeks leading to the show and was set free from the pain long enough to take to the streets and the stage only to be cast back upon the golden green cushions on my couch. It has been here, stranded in my home, that I have come to face myself for the first time in my life. Fully and without recoil. I've had a huge revelation. It is a multi-fold revelation. I've glimpsed a few aspects of it all. I will start with this reoccurring flashback to my 11th year which almost seamlessly works into another aspect of my unfolding.
The flashback:
I know I've shared this before, so I'll fast forward through it. A summer birthday party 1980. All of the kids ( a combo of 4 or 5 Catholic families so usually enough for 2 teams) are playing football on the side yard. Well, all but me.... I'm too fat. I'm too slow. I always drop the ball. I run like a girl. There were always a multitude of reasons why I didn't get to play. I'm sitting on the brick wall by the kitchen eating an ice cream come cupcake when one of the moms asked why I wasn't playing. I told he. Next thing: the kids are being told that if they don't play with me, they will be punished...OR ELSE! 
From that day on, I knew that all the kids were just being nice to me.. OR ELSE. Here is where I discovered the root of the chip on my shoulder my mother always refered to. I just never saw it until yesterday.
I realized that was when I started pushing more fiercely than ever before. I went way over the too just to see how far they would go to avoid the OR ELSE. In many ways, it is what pushed me to be a leader. Being in a small town, I figured all the kids were given the OR ELSE memo. I worked hard to be on top only because it kept me from facing the reality that I was just 'chub rub Davis' who no one wanted on their team.
I do not begrudge the path. I am grateful for how I had to climb above it all. The thing I realize it has done is to condition me to always push, generally, the line. By doing that push, no matter how much I grew from it, I have isolated myself in a way that I can love without letting it sink into me.
I've been melting these past few years. I understand aspects of my resistance to intimacy in friendships and in sexual ways too. I see that I've pushed myself to be so self-propelling that I have made it nearly impossible to have space within my soul in order to never be picked again. This drive became my own OR ELSE.
Now, don't think that I have not had close loving relationships because I have so many of them. I've just never allowed them to penetrate into my soul for fear of being vulnerable and to be seen completely.
The thing is, it is I who has not seen. I've spent the last 34 years never looking at myself, only aspects of the whole. You, my friends, have taught me to do that through my journey as Daylight. Crazy. Right?!
This leads me to my next revelation:
Because of the
OR ELSE, I went places in my life I never would have gone. I had to face my fears so that no one would find my weakness. I have challenged, you, my friends from my boundary pushing. Y'all have seen me through so many phases of self expression and explosion. You have seen me through serious drinking and abusive relationships; MFA and NYC; platform shoes, mannequins, body glitter, blonde hair, red  hair, black hair to no hair. And most recently, as a big-ol-queen in a small fishing town and you support me, and love me and that has caused the shift for me. YOU HAVE BROUGHT ME TO MYSELF.
This rebel has come home and realized that it is time to allow you in. I will not push any longer. I will open and allow you within. I am ready to share myself with you. I can not thank you enough for sticking with me and pushing me to see myself. I feel as if the shell of my persona has finally split and has started to allow the essence of my being to take root and grow within the glowing light of your unrelenting affection. With an open heart I breathe my light fully for you.
Forever yours,

Monday, August 11, 2014

Post Regatta

What an incredible weekend!!! I always get so nervous before a show and start to doubt every breath I take. This show in particular has really put me through my paces as a director, but more importantly as a performer.  I had to stop myself, almost every day, from canceling the show. It is just so hard on my body and I was not about to give up the heels;) and Daylight has so much to teach me. Mostly, grace under pressure..
Yes, it is true, I was having my very own pity party; I tried keeping it contained mostly in my head, but it made it's way to the surface on more than one occasion. The worst was two weeks from the show and me unable to walk. I had to cancel an entire week of work, hobble or crawl and just lay around doing nothing; which is something I am NOT very good at. I like keeping busy and being active in the community.
The months leading up to this week of collapse were heavy and heart sick months. I was not able to be as active as I like, my ass was falling, by belly growing and my hair getting thinner. Not to mention, that I was just not feeling worthy of much.
Then, like a flash of lightening, or an elk running in front of your racing car at midnight , I woke up and realized how I was forgetting my mission. I lost sight of the DRAGALUTION. How can I stand up and speak about taking chances and embracing who you are in the moment if I am picking myself apart in my mind and letting those picks fester like invisible leprosy covering my entire being. Consuming me from the inside out.
That is not what Daylight would have me do. Oh no, oh hell no. She would make me dress it up and get the fuck out of the house and walk it off. I HEARD HER YELLING, "WALK IT OF DAVIS, WALK IT OFF."
And I did just that!! Well, it was more of a crawl still. I started devising how the show would be if I was still in this condition.
My first move was to keep the rehearsals and really work with my stars to help them shine more brightly and without having to depend on me for visual reference. That week really was what we needed to take our show to the next level. It gave the cast the confidence in the movement to own their own steps and not to rely on me for what comes next!!!!
I had already re-worked the show with me and a walker, still in the heels of course, but it would have made the show much more comedic, which is a fabulous thing (and I almost did it even though I got my full range of motion back)..
That same week we were being interviewed by the Coast Weekend for the cover story on Regatta weekend; an enormous honor, especially with the editor herself writing it!!
And.... That very week the Conversation with Matt hit cyber space and it got my whole psychic being fluttering out of control.
I mean, I know I love this community, but hearing myself talk about it really hit home, my home town Astoria, Oregon!!
And that very week I got all of the paperwork in and filed to run for Ciry Council for Ward 3!!  THIS HAS ME VERY EXCITED!!! I will be making a public statement shortly (wink)...
And then, that same week, I got an award from Basic Rights Oregon for being a movement maker in our community!!!
I was feeling blissed out and so loved and supported.
It really is what gives me the strength to do what I do and to shine as I shine. Without the love and support from the people that reach out and touch my life and soul from all slopes of this planet, especially the ones in this community, I would not have nearly the courage I do to step out as I must.
Some say that me being a drag performance artist is going to be a huge road block on my path to City Council. My response is that I'm living my life in the open. I am not hiding anything about who I am as a community member. It is only one aspect of what I do. 
Anyway(ssss), the week of the show, I feel like a million bucks! The show is looking so tight and the music video is looping on my under eye lids, begging to be watched over and over again..... I love you Coln Smith and your vision and that we speak the same kind of art!!!!!
The night of the show, we are getting ready to shine. Friends are coming over to have help with their looks for the show and raise a glass of good cheer. One of my favorite parts is the 'parade' walk from our house to the theater!!! I think we had like 30 with us this year! As we approach the theater, the line has already begun and we mingle and hug as we make our way to back stage.
For this show, I did a few things differently, the big one was to have us all mingle pre-show and actually start our performance from the house and bring them all with us, energetically, back to the stage as we opened with 'hard cock life' a personal favorite!!
The other thing was that we had a few information tables in the lobby. One selling raffle tickets for the new teen center and the other for the Q center we will be opening in town!!! These are things that are needed in our town, things that have not really been supported in years past. It was a really good thing and both groups got their word out. That really is what it's all about... Being aware of what our community needs and working at making it happen. We can do anything when we work together...
And that is what DRAGALUTION is all about!! It's about loving one another despite our differences and to shine as brightly as we can as often as we feel comfortable doing so!!
It was evident Friday night, that OUR community is into it.. Almost every single person in the sold out theater was in costume!!!! That made my heart swell!
It was such an incredible night, so much overflowing love coming from every direction!
Then.... The Regatta Parade... We kind of got to lead the way, being at the front and all!!! We had a bubble machine and 46 North Farms supplied me with a ton of flower petals that we scattered as we fluttered through town, picking up people that wanted to join our celebration along the way.....
It's Monday, my body feels like I just got home from I don't know what but it kicked my ass;) and all I can do is smile and sink in to the joy I feel knowing we are all on the same page and so ready to be in this space together, helping one another grow, share and understand something greater than
us alone.
I am stronger from your love.
I thank you for supporting us and joining us on our DRAGALUTION !!!
I am always here for you
Ready to lend a hand
Give a hug
Lift you up!!
I am yours completely,