Oftentimes, you are leading me, taking my hand and helping me up or down, lifting me up and over the obstacles on our way. Our conversation has been as complex and gorgeous as watching spiderwebs fluttering in the wind, sunlight catching them causing me eyes to see brilliant silver threads darting along weightless and free, multitudes of them in every which angle, making clear to us the way that the dimensions shift and waver with every breath we take. Knowing, that if we are open to it we can see beyond and be able to step into our understanding with the knowledge that the answers are as vast as the breath we share.
That our world is every world and all within each moment we let go and give in to gravity, give in to our breath and see the delicate, silent beauty in the magic of those webs bouncing and vibrating sending our message beyond our knowing, sending it up and out to our ancestors and our gods and goddesses and spirits that lead and inform us along our way; guiding us towards our perfection of non-perfection in an ever shifting tide of emotions.
Within each step there is the solidity of the earth and the rebound of flight and a return to the ease of gravity and the pull to continue on.
In my vision, as we were dancing under the mystic light of these glorious skies, I saw 3 triangles, one reaching beyond the other and as I danced, I saw how their alignment made the plane before me show the path to our, I guess I would call it our destiny, but that seems so huge; maybe to our now, to where we need to be to just be present and take it all in.
I think that has been one of the greatest tools we've discovered thus far. Understanding that things are what they are, good or bad, ugly or glorious, Ta da there we have it. I'm reminded of it with every step we take, seeing how life grows out of death and how the decaying elements provide life to those things growing up and out. The song of the trees, the dancing of the wind along everything, the spiderwebs bouncing, putting a spring to our step as we step one step beyond where we have ever known..
You and I being open to the challenges of our quest. We have both felt this in our steps. Each one becoming more charged, strength in a stride that should be growing weary, yet, our will grows within us, filling our lungs with the sustenance to journey on without tiring. Within each moment I feel my love, fear, hatred, nervousness, strength, weakness and desire to be open swirling around me darting in each and every angle possible causing an explosion of shards of glorious light to shake and vibrate off me like a dew kissed spiderweb in the morning sun, just becoming aware of the sensation of warmth.
We are at the mouth of the river, we kneel down to touch it's crisp beauty and feel it's song on our flesh. Gazing into the water, I see you looking up at me, only I'm you looking down at me.
I instantly flash to that moment all those years ago. The moment we first had our lives intertwined. I was being pushed and pulled along the forest floor, coming to rest at the foot of an old and very large red cedar tree. To the right of a tree was a bush that began to bounce with light and electricity and you stepped from within in and locking me with your eyes you pointed up and I began to fly at you and I flew up and landed upon the middle of 3 branches and I was you looking up at me, only I was a hawk facing north. At that moment, guide and novice were joined as one.
At the same moment, I see us surrounded by a circle of people drumming, our family, our tribe, singing and drumming around us as we dance the dance of our life, our story, holding, throwing, climbing, thrusting, kissing to the moon and back; singing until there are no more words only the sound of our hearts matching the rhythm of the drums as we fade away into the heavens, each star becoming a pore to our being.
We understand, the veil has been lifted as we step through together, shifting into one. I stand and gaze at the distance, the tide gently kissing my toes, the water calling me on, I let the tide grab hold of my heart as I take one more step beyond and find my footing supported as I walk on and through, the sun setting behind me as I step past the horizon and on to this new plane...