Monday, June 24, 2013

Celebrating my indepenDANCE to be me. Free to celebrate the independence of me.

    This all stems from the amazing strength I saw in drag queens when I was first discovering the hidden heart beat within my soul that was helping me to see the truth of my path as a gay male.  The strength, beauty, courage and general badassness that the drag queens demonstrated have always resounded in my soul.  If we all were to look within ourselves and discover our hidden queen (which is really our hidden self expressive art made larger than life for others to see and be amazed by) and bring it out to oneself and one's friends I believe that our world would be a much happier, colorful and loving place.
   Being daring  enough to step beyond my sphere of comfort and feeling the sensation of being pushed beyond my discomfort with situations and just breathing in the present moment of life.  Not worrying about what is thought about me, but rather what I feel about my life and how can I best represent that in my life within the social world I live in.  To find the beauty in trust within myself and my relationships.  To realize that life and friends are there for it all, not just the good stuff.  To remember that I am worth fighting for.  That I am worth the life I want to live and the art I am.  To recognize when I am filling myself with fear, hatred and self-doubt and turn it into love, light and something positive.  Cellular life is responsive, fill the bod with goodness not hatred.  Honor the truth of my mistakes and learn from the truth of the actions I put upon others in my daily life and interactions.
So without further ado it's time to start the Dragalution!

1 comment:

  1. Everything you do from dancing to cooking is all so heart felt. You are an amazing person and I am so honored to have you as a friend and mother!!! Can't wait to see what the future holds!!! Love you Daylight!!!
