Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rage issues...or...chub rub davis and the revelation of being a childhood bully...or... How I let the stage transform my rage

I have spent many many years and countless hours in therapy and trust building situations to bring myself to a deeper understanding of why I do or think as I do. I recognize I have hurt people along my path just as I have been wounded along mine. And to any person I have ever hurt, I am sorry.
Yesterday, the 4th of July, I was at a family gathering picnic at the lake. It was the first time our three families had been together like this in years, and by years I mean decades. I was excited and nervous. Will I remember names? Can I borrow a car so I can leave when I feel ready? God, the last time I was at the lake with all these people, I was in my t-shirt as a bathing top phase of my teens. Could hold a good half a cup of liquid in my belly button. Am I going to be able to control my tongue and not cuss as I like? I mean, I really don't mind, but then I do. I respect these ladies and gents that all raised us. And for them, I like to keep my speech when I am around them. My old fashioned nature. However, I did not edit myself. I went as my big gay self. My favorite part was when I went to swim with my niece. I'm standing around the table with my mom, a bunch of my childhood friends and my niece and I remove my shirt and my friend says," better remove that fancy belt buckle too."
As I continued to remove my shorts, I replied,"oh, I wore my bathing suit." (With a wink). And I let the shorts drop and he replied," where is the rest of it?" And I said," in Europe." And walked smoothly to the lake and swam with my niece.
I was in heaven!!! The water was so warm and I was surrounded by beauty and the sound of laughter in the air.
Making it to shore, I splashed the three girls sitting on the dock. And one of the fellas yells," and that is why I stay clear of Mark in the water, he is a bully." Laughter. Me???? A bully??? I prefer prankster and rebel rouser. Playful even. As I was laying in the sun drying off, I kept running through the reels in my mind. Memory search: me as a bully... Files uploaded and uploaded. My system was overloading. Wow!! I guess I was a bully. But I felt like I was fighting for my place. I mean what kind of a person asks their school mates to help hold down a girls so I could steal a kiss? A bully. I mean, I secretly did I because I wanted her raspberry lipgloss on my lips. I was going crazy thinking about it and I did the only thing I could think of to do since she wouldn't let me try it.. I stole a kiss. My bad.
Or what about the time I gave the girl a tittle twister in the microfilm room my senior year because she knees me in the nuts? It was a reaction, but bully all the same. So sorry.
Over the years, I have trained myself to not react so fully in situations. I keep myself on a short leash. Hard to believe, I know but it is true. I have taught myself to be a proper human being. I hold doors for people. I, to the best of my abilities, respect my elders. I survey a situation and find the smoothest and best way through it. In my mind, I believe others have done the same; and when it appears they havent, my skin starts to boil. And it is over the most stupid stuff. For example, I do not understand how anyone can think it is ok and acceptable to bring outside food or beverage into another dining establishment.. It is just impolite, tacky and rude. It bothers me that people don't check to see if anyone is behind them when going through a doorway. I am always stunned when I watch a family sitting out sharing a meal and each person is on their own phone totally checked out. When did we stop caring for one another? 
See.. The rage. How many of us have thrown something when it isn't working right? How many of us tell off other drivers because they are driving like idiots?
The stage and performing has really provided me with skills to examine and understand my human condition and how I move through it. Choreography especially. I love putting my tap shoes on and just dancing it out . Finding a pattern within the frustrated rhythm coming from my shoes and letting the language unravel with every time step I hoof out. Oftentimes, when I am at my most frustrated, I will have a movement phrase that will repeat in my body and I move it until I get beyond it. I let gravity and momentum drive me through space and time as I unleash my rage and find the dance. The beauty within. We are lucky, we have the ability to see one another and recognize the similarities between us. That is why stories, movement, an image can affect us so profoundly. We feel. But we live in an age where we are tuning out and forgetting how to listen, how to see...
I was at a meeting the other day and we were talking about the float for the Regatta parade, and it came up that some people didn't want to walk with us because there will be drag queens involved and they just are not comfortable with that. I felt my tiger want to roar and lash out. I heard all of the snap backs I could rattle off. Instead, I took a breath and calmly replied,"that as a community, and in the context of this meeting by community I mean the LGBTQ community, now, more than ever we should be standing together and supporting the vast diversity within our population. Thank God! We are a family and we need to learn to work together, especially in this small town. I am usually one of the only ones that dresses in drag for the parade, and I'm sorry I can not make myself small to make you feel more comfortable. I will treat you with kindness and greet you with an open heart, but I will not make it small." Sorry.
, last night, I was having a conversation with a new friend and he was curious about the drag queen thing because he has always had a more narrow opinion about them and was totally turned around after our conversation and thanked me for helping him understand it more. See, he had a question, he asked it, we talked about it and we parted both feeling more full and satisfied with human interaction.
Then, I got to end my day with my lovely mom, my little brother and his girlfriend/my friend/tap student and played bocce ball as we waited to watch the fireworks. I had other friends arrive and we all sat in the beauty of the moment, each of us with our own set of life issues, rage and understanding and as a family of life we took in the show and marveled at the beauty of the world around us as freedom rang through the night sky.


  1. I think this is what a life is all about- self-discovery at the deeper levels. Always learning, gaining wisdom... If I could adopt you, I would. We'd go tap dancing together.

  2. Great piece Marco. Well written. Moving. It made me reflect about many things. One being, I too felt something in that meeting like a rage. It comes when I witness people judging people for things that do not make sense like appearances, religion and the like. I am grateful to know you.

  3. I love your writing as always. Education is the most effective weapon to combat ignorance and create social change. It's so hard not to let emotions cloud your message--your ability to speak so articulately is really admirable!
