Saturday, August 24, 2013

I have had the most fabulous week!!  Last night, I met a group of my lady friends down at the VooDoo Room for drinks and laughs.  One of the ladies lives in the house my grandma lived in across the street from my childhood home on 3rd St.  
Well, we were all talking about food and dressing up and grand parents and growing up and I suddenly had the most incredible memory flood my senses....
I would spend weekend nights over at my grandma's house to keep her company.  We always had the best of times.  My room held some of her greatest treasures:  Her back brace, which I would put on to remind myself of the pain she must have gone through wearing that contraption after her surgery.  It was a crazy thing, bent aluminum and hard plastic guards across the front and back with straps to hold it in place.  It was like a mini walker converted to bring support to those recovering from back surgery.  I still liked to wear it.  Then there were her mink pill box caps with the brown netting that came down over the eyes to add mystery to any ensemble.  Her mink collar coats were hung in there with care and my favorite, her red high heeled shoes sitting there always begging me to try them on.... And I did often (wink).
Most weekends, I would dress up in one of her dresses and put on the heels, while they still fit, and I would go to her room and next to her plastic etched frame of the Virgin Mary were her little sample tubes of lipstick from Avon that we would always have around for her.  I think they were handy to have when she was in the nursing home.  She always liked to have her lipstick on.  It was a thing I loved to do for her when I would visit her at the home; I would powder her face and do her lips while we listened to Mario Lanzo.
Anyway, after I got dressed and put on my lips.....I can't believe I am telling this story... It is one I have not shared with people until last night and now I want to share it with you.
After I was dressed, we would sit and watch the Lawarence Welk Show and sing along and dance together in the front room.  It was just the best.  Grandma knew me the best.  She got me long before I ever got me and she always encouraged me to express myself when I was with her.  Such grand times we had.
The rest of the time we would spend in the kitchen cooking.  She loved to teach me the family secrets and would quiz me on my skills and my spelling words weekly.
The short time she lived in that little house are memories that I cherish so.  She was my best friend and the time that I got with her I will never forget.  I do feel that she helped to mold my creation of Daylight Cums too.  I have had so many influences...

The other great aspect of this weekend was that we filmed my first episode for "Cooking with Daylight" which will be monthly cooking lessons that I will post on the website.  It is exciting!!!!  Today, I had several friends that stopped by to enjoy the food that I prepared and we sat in the back garden feasting and laughing and sharing stories and it just filled my heart with such love.  It is why I love food so.  The sharing is more than just for consumption, it is about love, and lessons and listening and laughing and learning more about our friends.  
Then, I was lucky enough to get to go to another friends house, sit on the deck and watch the sunset, listening to lovely music being played, eat salad, grilled Ahi tuna and a chantrelle dumpling soup to die for AND visit with a friend I had not seen in many years and many other dear friends and laugh and look at the view and take it all in together!
This is what it is all about.  Taking the time to spend moments with people you love.  Even if it is just for a short while, it is time well spent and fuel to carry the soul further down the path.

I look forward to my encounters every day.  I look forward to running into you while I am out and about or in unexpected places.  I love it when you pop into my mind and I take a moment to give you a mental shout out.  I love it when I think of you when I see your favorite things, hear your favorite song, smell your scent.  I love that I have the love that I have from you everyday giving me the strength and courage to live as big and true as I dare. 


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