Thursday, December 19, 2013

The path to DRAGALUTION!!

The journey for this show is really pushing me in ways I hadn't anticipated! I am just loving the crew of performers I have! It is frustrating being the director/choreographer in regards to not being pissed off every time someone doesn't want to come to rehearsal; they aren't under contract so I can't force people to want to be at rehearsal... Personally, I live for it! I love being able to get together with these amazing people and craft dances and work on building a fierce show!!!
I was in a particularly pissed mood last night, the full moon didn't help things;), and really wanted to be able to finish the opening number, but that wasn't going to be possible with several people not coming to rehearsal. I'm not typing any of this to be a bitch, I'm just shedding light on my perspective as a frustrated choreographer and performer. 
On the walk to our amazing dance studio, the Astoria Arts and Movement Center, I felt like my hands were tied and that I was going to disappoint the cast members that did show up. I mean, I have the 'angry hand job' number floating in my mind but I hadn't had the time to work it out on my body to be able to teach it.  I was feeling extremely unprepared.  
Well, I reached deep into my patience center and pulled up all the creative strength my tired little mind and body could muster and we had the best fucking rehearsal!!!! The movement just snapped right out and before you knew it we had learned the whole number and we all felt fierce about it and we were all sweaty from the hard work and dancing!!!
It really taught me that it all happens as it needs to happen; it being what ever it needs to is glorious that way. I let go of my frustrations and found a deeper grace and breath and went for it and it felt magnificent! I think I will try these tactics in the rest of my life and see what happens:)
I am grateful for each person I get to work with in this show and I accept the fact that people don't have the same drive as me; that doesn't mean that they are being rude to me or the rest of the cast for not being there, it just is as it needs to be. No judgment just the facts.
I am excited to see where this show leads us! I can't wait to share it with you all and hear what you think about it all!
And again, this isn't a bitch fest, I am just sharing how my mind and soul react to situations I am placed in.  You all know I love you crazy!!! Daylight

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