Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together or.....trembling before you

Truth be told, I am an extremely emotional person. Years of having to be an altarboy for funerals and weddings helped curb me of my constant flow of tears. I could hold my little plate to catch the crumbs under the most grief ridden, mascara stained face without even a dampening around my eyes.
This trick, or gift, came in handy for me with all the years of abuse, physically and verbally. You will never see me crumble. No, not me. I am strong and I will save my tears for the privacy of my own room or beach thank you very much.
As I remove more of my protective gear, I find the surge of emotions rush over me more freely and I enjoy welcoming a nice waterfall from my eyes.
Some days, I just can't help myself. I will be sitting in a room with friends and just feel so blessed to be surrounded and supported by so many wonderful and loving people and my eyes swell.
Just today, while walking to work, rehearsing a few numbers as I strutted down the street, a particular song came on and I found myself within the moment of the number... I should pause here to say that while I walk rehearse, I use movement visualization, I picture myself in the moment of the performance so I can feel the depth of the movement. I usually place visual memories of all our bodies in the theater, the energy in the room just lifting us up and supporting us. That love!!!
So, I'm having that moment, working on this particular number, a number I'm really doing for my mom, and now she is actually going to see it live and it got my heart fluttering and I had to chant my,"keep it together keep it together keep it together" while I was working on the song so that I wouldn't cry. However, in this moment, I let the tears fall, because it felt so good. And, it's good practice to make it through the tears, especially in front of all of you.
So, if you see me crying, know they are tears of joy from us all being together ringing in the new year!!!!
It has been a tough year for all of us and we have made it through. We have weathered the storm, faced our demons, loss, change, so much change. And we are at the point where we can examine what we faced and bid it a farewell as we ready our hearts and minds for this amazing year ahead of us!! We are stronger together and the more open and loving we can be with one another the more peace and joy we will find along our paths! I will be looking for you.
All my love as we move forward,

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